2FA bypass by sending blank code, (Gives 1000$ bounty)
This indicates a failure in the entered code’s null check. Simply put, the 2FA during login can be avoided by sending a blank code. This could be due to a mismatch between the entered code and the true code. A pre-validation (possibly a null check) before comparing the codes would solve the problem.
Let’s directly Jump into Vulnerability without wasting time.
Find Details About the platform (due to confidentiality I have to write Evil.com)
— Affected URL or select Asset from In-Scope: Evil.com 2FA
— Affected Parameter: code
— Vulnerability Type: Improper Authentication
— Browsers tested: Browser independent
Bypassing Steps:
(Added details for how we can reproduce the issue)
- Access evil.com and go to https://www.evil.com/member/account/securitySettings input.htm.
- Turn on 2FA
- Log off
- Login again and notice that an OTP is required.
- Using the Burp suite, intercept the POST request by sending an invalid code. [Do not forward the request]
- modify the request & Remove the code and forward the request before sending it to the server.
- Disable Intercept and verify that your login request was successful.
Bypassing 2FA protection. Despite the victim’s 2FA protection, the attacker could gain access.
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